Laboratory of Photoactive Supramolecular Systems №107
  • Saifutiarova A.E., Gulakova E.N., Fedorova O.A., Chernikova E.Y., Shapovalov A.D., Fedorov Y.V. Synthesis and spectral and photochemical properties of newortho-styryl-substituted nitrogen heterocycles Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, 56, 4, 576-583, DOI: 10.31857/S0514749220040096
  • Aleshin Gleb Yu, Egorova Bayirta V., Priselkova Anna B., Zamurueva Lyubov S., Khabirova Sofia Yu, Zubenko Anastasia D., Karnoukhova Valentina A., Fedorova Olga A., Kalmykov Stepan N. Zinc and copper complexes with azacrown ethers and their comparative stability in vitro and in vivo Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49, 19, 6249-6258, DOI: 10.1039/d0dt00645a
  • Ботезату А., Токарев С.Д., Сотникова Ю.А., Моисеева А.А., Дьяченко Н.В., Анисимов А.В., Фёдоров Ю.В., Хорошутин А.В., Фёдорова О.А. Thienyl-phenyl ethylenes with crown ether fragments and their photocyclization products: UV-Vis, NMR, redox response for complexation. A 18-crown-6 ether restricted with a tricyclic aromatic moiety Макрогетероциклы, 2020,
  • в печати DOI: 10.6060/mhc200496f
  • Zubenko Anastasia D., Shchukina Anna A., Fedorova Olga A. Synthetic approaches to the bifunctional chelators for radionuclides based on pyridine containing azacrown compounds SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART, 2020, 52, 7, 1087-1095, DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1691540
  • Saifutiarova A.E., Gulakova E.N., Fedorova O.A., Chernikova E.Yu, Shapovalov A.D., Fedorov Yu V. Synthesis and Spectral and Photochemical Properties of Newortho-Styryl-Substituted Nitrogen Heterocycles Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, 56, 4, 620-625, DOI: 10.1134/S1070428020040090
  • Nasriddinov A., Rumyantseva M., Shatalova T., Tokarev S., Yaltseva P., Fedorova O., Khmelevsky N., Gaskov A. Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Room Temperature Light-Activated Sub-ppm NO Detection Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 1, #70, DOI: 10.3390/nano10010070
  • Zakharko M.A., Panchenko P.A., Ignatov P.A., Fedorov Yu V., Fedorova O.A. New conjugate of naphthalimide with bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate as a fluorescent sensor for calcium cations Mendeleev Communications, 2020, 30, 3, 332-335, DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2020.05.024
  • Tokarev Sergey D., Fedorov Yury V., Moiseeva Anna A., Gediminas Jonusauskas, Lypenko Dmitry A., Aleksandrov Alexey E., Tameev Alexey R., Maltsev Eugene I., Nosova Galina I., Zhukova Elena V., Fedorova Olga A. Modification of the carrier mobility of conducting PF-EP polymer by formation of their composites with thiophene derivatives Organic Electronics, 2020, 78, #105586, DOI: 10.1016/j.orgel.2019.105586
  • Tokarev Sergey D., Fedorov Yury V., Fedorova Olga A. Imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline complexes with Fe2+, Cd2+, Co2+ and Zn2+ ions Mendeleev Communications, 2020, 30, 4, 445-448, DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2020.07.013
  • Ruleva Anna Yu, Tsvetkov Vladimir Borisovich, Fedorov Yury V., Chernikova Ekaterina Y., Shepel Nikolai, Godovikov Ivan A., Fedorova Olga Energy transfer process in unsymmetrical crown-containing bisstyryl dye incorporated in the cavities of CB[7] and 2-hydroxypropyl-β-CD New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44, 22, 9344-9354, DOI: 10.1039/c9nj05915f
  • Chernikova Ekaterina Y., Berdnikova Daria V., Peregudov Alexander S., Fedorova Olga A., Fedorov Yuri V. Encapsulation-controlled photoisomerization of a styryl derivative: stereoselective formation of the anti Z-isomer in the cucurbit[7]uril cavity Chemphyschem: a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry, 2020, 21, 5, 442-449, DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201901095
  • Sergey Tokarev, Marina Rumyantseva, Abulkosim Nasriddinov, Gaskov Alexander M., Moiseeva Anna A., Fedorov Yury V., Olga Fedorova, Gediminas Jonusauskas Electron injection effect in In2O3 and SnO2 nanocrystals modified by ruthenium heteroleptic complexes Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 15, 8146-8156, DOI: 10.1039/C9CP07016H
  • Panchenko P.A., Zakharko M.A., Grin M.A., Mironov A.F., Pritmov D.A., Jonusauskas G., Fedorov Yu V., Fedorova O.A. Effect of linker length on the spectroscopic properties of bacteriochlorin – 1,8-naphthalimide conjugates for fluorescence-guided photodynamic therapy Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2020, 390, #112338, DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2019.112338
  • Ustimova Maria A., Chernikova Polina A., Shepel Nikolai E., Fedorov Yury V., Fedorova Olga A. Effect of N-substituent in 4-styrylpyridinium dyes on their binding to DNA Mendeleev Communications, 2020, 30, 2, 217-219, DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2020.03.029
  • Nasriddinov A., Rumyantseva M., Konstantinova E., Marikutsa A., Tokarev S., Yaltseva P., Fedorova O., Gaskov A. Effect of Humidity on Light-Activated NO and NO2 Gas Sensing by Hybrid Materials Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 5, #915, DOI: 10.3390/nano10050915
  • Chernikova Ekaterina Y., Ruleva Anna Yu, Tsvetkov Vladimir Borisovich, Fedorov Yury V., Novikov Valentin V., Aliyeu Tseimur M., Pavlov Alexander A., Shepel Nikolai, Fedorova Olga Cucurbit[7]uril-driven modulation of ligand-DNA interactions by ternary assembly Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2020, 18, 4, 755-766, DOI: 10.1039/C9OB02543J
  • Zakharko M.A., Panchenko P.A., Zarezin D.P., Nenajdenko V.G., Pritmov D.A., Grin M.A., Mironov A.F., Fedorova O.A. Conjugates of 3,4-dimethoxy-4-styrylnaphthalimide and bacteriochlorin for theranostics in photodynamic therapy Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2020, 69, 6, 1169-1178, DOI: 10.1007/s11172-020-2885-5
  • Zubenko A.D., Fedorova O.A. Aromatic and heteroaromatic azacrown compounds: advantages and disadvantages of rigid macrocyclic ligands Russian Chemical Reviews, 2020, 89, 7, 750-786, DOI: 10.1070/RCR4913
  • Panchenko P.A., Ignatov P.A., Zakharko M.A., Fedorov Yu V., Fedorova O.A. A fluorescent PET chemosensor for Zn2+ cations based on a 4-methoxy-1,8-naphthalimide derivative containing a salicylidenamino receptor group Mendeleev Communications/blockquote>, 2020, 30, 1, 55-58, DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2020.01.018
  • Panchenko Pavel A., Polyakova Anna S., Fedorov Yurii V., Fedorova Olga A. Chemoselective detection of Ag+ in purely aqueous solution using fluorescence "turn-on" probe based on crowm-containing 4-methoxy-1,8-naphthalimide Mendeleev Communications, 2019, 29, 2, 155-157, DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2019.03.012
  • Fedorova O.A., Tokarev S.D., Shepel N.E., Lukovskaya E.V., Sotnikova Y.A., Moiseeva A.A., D'Aleo A., Fages F., Maurel F., Fedorov Y.V. Intramolecular electron transfer in Cu(II) complexes with aryl-imidazo-1,10-phenanthroline derivatives: experimental and quantum chemical calculation studies New Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 43, 6, 2817-2827, DOI: 10.1039/C8NJ05697H
  • Zubenko Anastasia D., Egorova Bayirta V., Kalmykov Stepan N., Shepel Nikolai E., Karnoukhova Valentina A., Fedyanin Ivan V., Fedorov Yuri V., Fedorova Olga A. Out-cage metal ion coordination by novel benzoazacrown bisamides with carboxyl, pyridyl and picolinate pendant arms Tetrahedron, 2019, 75, 19, 2848-2859, DOI: 10.1016/j.tet.2019.04.006
  • Fedorova Olga, Saifutyarova Alina E., Gulakova Elena N., Guskova Elena O., Aliyeu Tseimur M., Shepel Nikolai, Fedorov Yury V. The regioselective [2+2] photocycloaddition reaction of 2-(3,4-dimethoxystyryl)quinoxaline in solution Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 2019, 18, 9, 2208-2215, DOI: 10.1039/c9pp00028c
  • Fedorova Olga A., Chernikova Ekaterina Y., Tkachenko Sergey V., Grachev Alexander I., Godovikov Ivan A., Fedorov Yuri V. Self-sorting processes in a stimuli-responsive supramolecular systems based on cucurbituril, cyclodextrin and bisstyryl guests Journal of inclusion phenomena and macrocyclic chemistry, 2019, 94, 3-4, 201-210, DOI: 10.1007/s10847-019-00900-2
  • Krasnovskaia Olga O., Malinnikov Vladislav M., Dashkova Natalia S., Gerasimov Vasily M., Grishina Irina V., Kireev Igor I., Lavrushkina Svetlana V., Panchenko Pavel A., Zakharko Marina A., Ignatov Pavel A., Fedorova Olga A., Jonusauskas Gediminas, Skvortcov Dmitry A., Kovalev Sergey S., Beloglazkina Elena K., Zyk Nikolai V., Majouga Alexander G. Thiourea Modified Doxorubicin: A Perspective pH-Sensitive Prodrug Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2019, 30, 3, 741-750, DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.8b00885
  • Panchenko Pavel A., Zubenko Anastasia D., Chernikova Ekaterina Y., Fedorov Yury V., Pashanova Anna V., Karnoukhova Valentina A., Fedyanin Ivan V., Fedorova Olga Synthesis, structure and metal ion coordination of novel benzodiazamacrocyclic ligands bearing pyridyl and picolinate pendant side-arms New Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 43, 38, 15072-15086, DOI: 10.1039/C9NJ03488A
  • Dyachenko Natalia V., Khoroshutin Andrey V., Yulia Sotnikova, Karnoukhova Valentina A., Tokarev Sergey D., Anisimov Alexander V., Fedorov Yury V., Olga Fedorova Synthesis of the fused heterocyclic systems via Mallory photoreaction of arylthienylethenes Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 2019, 18, 12, 2901-2911, DOI: 10.1039/C9PP00289H
  • Egorova, Bayirta, V; Fedorova, Olga A.;Kalmykov, Stepan N. Cationic radionuclides and ligands for targeted therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals Russian Chemical Reviews, 2019, 88, 9, 901-924, DOI: 10.1070/RCR4890
  • Tokarev S.D., Sotnikova Yu A., Anisimov A.V., Fedorov Yu V., Jonusauskas G., Lypenko D.A., Malov V.V., Tameev A.R., Maltsev E.I., Fedorova O.A. Donor–acceptor (E)-2-(2-(2,2'-bithiophen-5-yl)vinyl)benzo[d]thiazole: synthesis, optical, electrochemical studies and charge transport characteristics Mendeleev Communications, 2019, 29, 5, 567-569, DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2019.09.030
  • Matazova Ekaterina V., Egorova Bayirta V., Konopkina Ekaterina A., Aleshin Gleb Yu, Zubenko Anastasia D., Mitrofanov Artem A., Karpov Kirill V., Fedorova Olga A., Fedorov Yuri V., Kalmykov Stepan N. Benzoazacrown compound: a highly effective chelator for therapeutic bismuth radioisotopes MedChemComm, 2019, 10, 9, 1641-1645, DOI: 10.1039/c9md00251k
  • Sinenko I.L., Kalmykova T.P., Likhosherstova D.V., Egorova B.V., Zubenko A.D., Vasiliev A.N., Ermolaev S.V., Lapshina E.V., Ostapenko V.S., Fedorova O.A., Kalmykov S.N. 213Bi production and complexation with new picolinate containing ligands Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2019, 321, 2, 531-540, DOI: 10.1007/s10967-019-06610-w
  • Francés-Soriano Laura, Zakharko Marina A., González-Béjar María, Panchenko Pavel A., Herranz-Pérez Vicente, Pritmov Dmitriy, Grin Mikhail A., Mironov Andrey, García-Verdugo Jose M., Fedorova Olga A., Pérez-Prieto Julia A nanohybrid for photodynamic therapy and fluorescence imaging tracking without therapy Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30,3677-3682, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b00276
  • Lukovskaya E.V., Dyachenko N.V., Khoroshutin A.V., Bobyleva A.A., Anisimov A.V., Karnoukhova V.A., Gediminas Jonusauskas, Fedorov Y.V., Fedorova O.A. Annelated tricyclic thiophenes and their photophysical properties Mendeleev Communications, 2018, 28, 5, 543-545, DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2018.09.032
  • Shepeleva I.I., Shokurov A.V., Bogdanova L.B., Arslanov V.V., Panchenko P.A., Fedorova O.A., Selektor S.L. Complexation of a crown-substituted naphthalimide derivative with heavy metals in Langmuir monolayers Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2018, 67, 12, 2259-2261, DOI: 10.1007/s11172-018-2366-2
  • Aleksandr S. Oshchepkov, Tatiana A. Shumilova, Siva R. Namashivaya, Olga A. Fedorova, Pavel V. Dorovatovskii, Viktor N. Khrustalev, Evgeny A. Kataev Hybrid Macrocycles for Selective Binding and Sensing of Fluoride in Aqueous Solution J. Org. Chem., 2018, 83, 4, 2145-2153, DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.7b03077
  • Oshchepkov Alexander S., Shumilova Tatiana A., Namashivaya Siva R., Fedorova Olga A., Khrustalev Viktor N., Kataev Evgeny A. Design of hybrid macrocycles for selective binding and sensing of fluoride in aqueous solution American Chemical Society, 2018, , , , DOI:
  • Ustimova Maria A., Lebedeva Anna Yu, Fedorov Yury V., Berdnikova Daria V., Fedorova Olga FRET-based metal ion sensing by crown-containing bisstyryl dye New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 7908-7913, DOI: 10.1039/c8nj00205c
  • Berdnikova Daria V., Sosnin Nikolai I., Fedorova Olga A., Ihmels Heiko Governing the DNA-binding mode of styryl dyes by the length of their alkyl substituents – from intercalation to major groove binding Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2018, 16, 545-554, DOI: 10.1039/C7OB02736B
  • Fedorov Yury V., Shepel Nikolay E., Peregudov Alexander S., Fedorova Olga A., Deligeorgiev Todor, Minkovska Stela Modulation of photochromic properties of spirooxazine bearing sulfobutyl substituent by metal ions Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2018, 371, 453-460, DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2018.10.045
  • Lebedeva Anna Y., Fedorova Olga A., Tsvetkov Vladimir B., Grinberg Valerij Y., Grinberg Natalia V., Burova Tatiana V., Dubovik Alexander S., Babievsky Kirill K., Fedorov Yury V. Novel 18-crown-6-ether containing mono- and bisstyryl dyes derived from pyridine moiety as fluorescent dyes for non-covalent interaction with DNA Dyes and Pigments, 2018, 157, 80-92, DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2018.04.038
  • Egorova B.V., Matazova E.V., Mitrofanov A.A., Aleshin G.Yu, Trigub A.L., Zubenko A.D., Fedorova O.A., Fedorov Yu V., Kalmykov S.N. Novel pyridine-containing azacrown-ethers for the chelation of therapeutic bismuth radioisotopes: complexation study, radiolabeling, serum stability and biodistribution Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2018, 60, 1-10, DOI: 10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2018.01.005
  • Rumyantseva M., Nasriddinov A., Vladimirova S., Fedorova O., Tokarev S., Krylov I., Drozdov K., Baranchikov A., Gaskov A. Photosensitive Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Room Temperature Gas Sensor Applications Nanomaterials, 2018, 8, 9, 671(1)-671(16), DOI: 10.3390/nano8090671
  • Panchenko Pavel A., Fedorov Yuri V., Fedorova Olga A. Selective fluorometric sensing of Hg2+ in aqueous solution by the inhibition of PET from dithia-15-crown-5 ether receptor conjugated to 4-amino-1,8-naphthalimide fluorophore Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2018, 364, 124-129, DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2018.06.003
  • Berdnikova Daria V., Fedorov Yuri V., Fedorova Olga A., Gediminas Jonusauskas Supramolecular Tuning of Energy Transfer Efficiency and Direction in a Bis-Chromophoric Styryl Dye Dyes and Pigments, 2018, 151, 227-232, DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2017.12.068
  • Panchenko Pavel A., Grin Mikhail A., Fedorova Olga A., Zakharko Marina A., Pritmov Dmitriy A., Mironov Andrey F., Arkhipova Antonina N., Fedorov Yuri V., Gediminas Jonusauskas, Yakubovskaya Raisa I., Morozova Natalia B., Ignatova Anastasia A., Feofanov Alexey V. A novel bacteriochlorin–styrylnaphthalimide conjugate for simultaneous photodynamic therapy and fluorescence imaging Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 30195-30206, DOI:10.1039/C7CP04449F
  • Panchenko Pavel A., Arkhipova Antonina N., Fedorova Olga A., Fedorov Yuri V., Zakharko Marina A., Arkhipov Dmitry E., Gediminas Jonusauskas Controlling photophysics of styrylnaphthalimides through TICT, fluorescence and E,Z-photoisomerization interplay Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017, 19, 3, 1244-1256, DOI:10.1039/c6cp07255k
  • Rumyantseva M., Makeeva E., Gaskov A., Shepel N., Peregudova S., Khoroshutin A., Tokarev S., Fedorova O. H2S Sensing by Hybrids Based on Nanocrystalline SnO2 Functionalized with Cu(II) Organometallic Complexes: The Role of the Ligand Platform Nanomaterials, 2017, 7, 11, 384(1)-384(16), DOI:10.3390/nano7110384
  • Chernikova Ekaterina Y., Berdnikova Daria V., Fedorov Yuri V., Fedorova Olga A., Maurel François, Jonusauskas Gediminas Light-induced piston nanoengines: ultrafast shuttling of a styryl dye inside cucurbit[7]uril Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 38, 25834-25839, DOI:10.1039/c7cp04283c
  • Oshchepkova M.V., Oshchepkov M.S., Fedorova O.A., Fedorov Yu V., Lozinskii V.I. New copolymer gels based on N,N-dimethylacrylamide and crown-containing allyl derivative of 1,8-naphthalimide as optical sensors for metal cations in an organic medium Doklady Physical Chemistry, 2017, 476, 2, 181-185, DOI:10.1134/S0012501617100050
  • Fedorov Yu V., Fedorova O.A., Kalmykov S.N., Oshchepkov M.S., Nelubina Yu V., Arkhipov D.E., Egorova B.V., Zubenko A.D. Potentiometric studies of complex formation of amidopyridine macrocycles bearing pendant arms with proton and heavy metal ions in aqueous solution Polyhedron, 2017, 124, 229-236, DOI:10.1016/j.poly.2016.12.037
  • Berdnikova Daria V., Paululat Thomas, Jonusauskas Gediminas, Peregudova Svetlana M., Fedorova Olga A. Protonation-Gated Dual Photochromism of a Chromene–Styryl Dye Hybrid Organic Letters, 2017, 19, 20, 5633-5636, DOI:10.1021/acs.orglett.7b02798
  • Berdnikova Daria V., Aliyeu Tseimur M., Delbaere Stéphanie, Fedorov Yuri V., Jonusauskas Gediminas, Novikov Valentin V., Pavlov Alexander A., Peregudov Alexander S., Shepel' Nikolay E., Zubkov Fedor I., Fedorova Olga A. Regio- and stereoselective [2+2] photocycloaddition in Ba2+ templated supramolecular dimers of styryl-derivatized aza-heterocycles Dyes and Pigments, 2017, 139, 397-402, DOI:10.1016/j.dyepig.2016.11.053
  • Arkhipova Antonina N., Panchenko Pavel A., Fedorov Yurii V., Fedorova Olga A. Relationship between the photochromic and fluorescent properties of 4-styryl derivatives of N-butyl-1,8-naphthalimide Mendeleev Communications, 2017, 27, 1, 53-55, DOI:10.1016/j.mencom.2017.01.016
  • Oshchepkov Aleksander S., Oshchepkov Maxim S., Arkhipova Antonina N., Panchenko Pavel A., Fedorova Olga A. Synthesis of 4-Nitro-N-phenyl-1,8-naphthalimide Annulated to Thia- and Azacrown Ether Moieties SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART, 2017, 49, 2231-2240, DOI:10.1055/s-0036-1588712
  • Arkhipova Antonina N., Panchenko Pavel A., Schepel Nikolai E., Fedorov Yuri V., Rumyantseva Marina N., Marikutsa Artem V., Gaskov Alexander M., Fedorova Olga A. Synthesis, Optical Characteristics and Complex Formation of Molecular Receptors Based on 1,8-Naphthalimide Derivatives in Solution and in Composition of Hybrid Tin Dioxide Nanoparticles Macroheterocycles, 2017, 10, 1, 84-93, DOI:10.6060/mhc161175f
  • Agafontsev Aleksandr M., Shumilova Tatiana A., Panchenko Pavel A., Janz Sharon, Fedorova Olga A., Kataev Evgeny A. Utilizing a pH-Sensitive Dye in the Selective Fluorescent Recognition of Sulfate Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016, 22, 42, 15069-15074 , DOI:10.1002/chem.201602623
  • Tsend-Ayush T., Wenzel M., Gloe K., Gloe K., Weigand J.J., Fedorov Y.V., Fedorova O.A., Gromov S.P., Plieger P.G. Extraction Studies of Heavy Metal Ions Employing Benzothiaoxacrown Compounds Solvent Extraction Research and Development, 2016, 23, 1, 31-41, DOI:10.15261/serdj.23.31
  • Fedorov Yu V., Fedorova O.A., Peregudov A., Kalmykov S.N., Egorova B.V., Arkhipov D., Zubenko A.D., Oshchepkov M.S. Complex formation of pyridine-azacrown ether amide macrocycles with proton and heavy metal ions in aqueous solution Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2016, 29, 5, 244-250, DOI:10.1002/poc.3526
  • Yulia Sotnikova, Elena Lukovskaya, Alla Bobylyova, Yury Fedorov, Valentin Novikov, Alexander Peregudov, Aleksander Anisimov, Anthony D’Aléo, Frédéric Fages, Olga Fedorova Cation-dependent structural diversity of zinc(II), calcium(II) mono- andbinuclear complexes of aryl-imidazo-1,10-phenanthroline derivatives Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2016, 445, 103-109, DOI:10.1016/j.ica.2016.02.029
  • Egorova Bayirta V., Oshchepkov Maxim S., Fedorov Yury V., Fedorova Olga A., Budylin Gleb S., Shirshin Evgeny A., Kalmykov Stepan N. Complexation of Bi3+, Ac3+, Y3+, Lu3+, La3+ and Eu3+ with benzo-diaza-crown ether with carboxylic pendant arms Radiochimica Acta, 2016, 1-11, DOI:10.1515/ract-2015-2560
  • Panchenko P.A., Arkhipova A.N., Zakharko M.A., Jonusauskas G., Fedorov Yu V., Fedorova O.A. Synthesis and spectral properties of fluorescent dyes based on 4-styryl-1,8-naphthalimide Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2016, 65, 10, 2444-2451, DOI:10.1007/s11172-016-1604-8
  • Lebedeva A.Yu, Leontyev T.N., Oshchepkov M.S., Shepel N.E., Peregudova S.M., Fedorov Yu V., Fedorova O.A. Investigation of the photoinduced energy transfer in the supramolecular complexes of styryl dyes Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2016, 65, 10, 2381-2387, DOI:10.1007/s11172-016-1593-7
  • Aliyeu Tseimur M., Berdnikova Daria V., Fedorova Olga A., Gulakova Elena N., Christopher Stremmel, Heiko Ihmels Regiospecific Photocyclization of Mono- and Bis-Styryl-Substituted N-Heterocycles: A Synthesis of DNA-Binding Benzo[c]quinolizinium Derivatives Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016, 81, 19, 9075-9085, DOI:10.1021/acs.joc.6b01695
  • Chernikova Ekaterina Y., Tkachenko Sergey V., Fedorova Olga A., Peregudov Alexander S., Godovikov Ivan A., Shepel Nikolay E., Minkovska Stela, Kurutos Atanas, Gadjev Nikolay, Deligeorgiev Todor G., Fedorov Yuri V. Multistep assembling via intermolecular interaction between (bis)styryl dye and cucurbit[7]uril: Spectral effects and host sliding motionс Dyes and Pigments, 2016, 131, 206-214, DOI:10.1016/j.dyepig.2016.04.013
  • Lukovskaya E.V., Sotnikova J.A., Bobyleva A.A., Anisimov A.V., Fedorov Y.V., Moiseeva A.A., Dolganov A.V., Fedorova O.A. Multiparameter molecular sensor based on a compound containing tetrathiafulvalenium, thiophene and piridine fragments Mendeleev Communications, 2016, 26, 3, 202-204
  • Fedorova O. A., Sergeeva A. N., Panchenko P. A., Fedorov Yu. V, Erko F. G., Berthet J., Delbaere S. Isomeric naphthalimides bearing pyran units: Insight into mutual relation between structure and photochromic properties Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2015, 303-304, 28-35 (DOI:10.1016/j.jphotochem.2015.02.004)
  • Daria V. Berdnikova*, Tseimur M. Aliyeu, Thomas Paululat, Yuri V. Fedorov, Olga A. Fedorova and Heiko Ihmels DNA–ligand interactions gained and lost: light-induced ligand redistribution in a supramolecular cascade Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 23, 4906-4909 (DOI:10.1039/C5CC01025J)
  • Daria V. Berdnikova, Olga A. Fedorova*, Elena V. Tulyakova, Haixing Li, Sarah Kölsch and Heiko Ihmels* Interaction of crown ether-annelated styryl dyes with double-stranded DNA Photochem. Photobiol., 2015, 91, 3, 723-731 (DOI:10.1111/php.12405)
  • Panchenko P.A., Park V.V., Fedorova O.A., Fedorov Yu V., Kataev E.A. Cation-dependent spectral properties of fluorescent complexon based on 1,8-naphthalimide with PET mechanism of optical response Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2015, 64, 8, 1871-1876, DOI:10.1007/s11172-015-1086-0
  • Lukovskaya E.V., Fedorova O.A., Glazova Yu A., Fedorov Yu V., Anisimov A.V., Podolko E.V., Rumyantseva M.N., Gaskov A.M., Fages F. Effect of light irradiation on the gas sensor characteristics of the SnO2 and ZnO modified by tetrathiafulvalene derivative Organic Photonics and Photovoltaics, 2015, 3, 1, 54-63, DOI:10.1515/oph-2015-0005
  • Panchenko Pavel A., Fedorov Yuri V., Fedorova Olga A., Gediminas Jonusauskas FRET versus PET: ratiometric chemosensors assembled from naphthalimide dyes and crown ethers Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17,35, 22749-22757, DOI:10.1039/C5CP03510D
  • Oshchepkova M.V., Oshchepkov A.S., Zaborina O.E., Fedorova O.A., Fedorov Yu V., Lozinsky V.I. Fluorescent Cryogels Based on Copolymers of N,N-Dimethylacrylamide and Allyl Derivatives of 1,8-Naphthalimide Polymer Science - Series B, 2015, 57, 6, 631-637, DOI:10.1134/S1560090415060159
  • Fedorov Yuri V., Tkachenko Sergey V., Chernikova Ekaterina Yu, Godovikov Ivan A., Fedorova Olga A., Isaacs Lyle Photoinduced guest transformation promotes translocation of guest from hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin to cucurbit 7 uril Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 7, 1349-1352, DOI:10.1039/c4cc08474h
  • E.V. Lukovskaya, A.A. Kosmacheva, O.A. Fedorova, A.A. Bobyleva, A.V. Dolganov, N.E. Shepel’, Yu.V. Fedorov, V.V. Novikov and A. V. Anisimov Synthesis of Chromophoric Crown-Containing Styryl Derivative of Terthiophene and Its Complexation with Octane-1,8-diaminium Diperchlorate Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, 50, 4, 552-558 DOI:10.1134/S1070428014040198
  • E.N. Gulakova, D.V. Berdnikova, T.M. Aliyeu, Y.V. Fedorov, I.A. Godovikov, O.A. Fedorova Regiospecific C-N photocyclization of 2-styrylquinolines The Journal of organic chemistry, 2014, 79, 12, 5533-5537 DOI:10.1021/jo500696n
  • S.L. Selektor, O.A. Fedorova, E.V. Lukovskaya, N.A. Tarasova, O.A. Raitman, A.V. Anisimov, Yu.V. Fedorov, V.V. Arslanov Planar supramolecular systems based on geometrical isomers of crown-containing oligothiophenes Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2014, 50, 5, 557-569 DOI:10.1134/S2070205114050153
  • Paramonov Sergey, Lokshin Vladimir, Fedorova Olga Synthesis of Naphthopyrans and Spironaphthoxazines Annulated to Crown Ether Fragments through a Macrocyclization Strategy Synthesis, 2014, 46, 12, 1659-1666 DOI:10.1055/s-0033-1341063
  • Lukovskaya Elena, Glazova Yulia, Fedorov Yury, Bobylyova Alla, Mizerev Artemii, Moiseeva Anna, Anisimov Alexander, Peregudov Alexander, Fedorova Olga Effect of the chromophoric unit on the complex formation properties in the crown ether containing styryl dyes Dyes and Pigments, 2014, 104, 151-159 DOI:10.1016/j.dyepig.2013.12.027
  • P.A. Panchenko, A.N. Sergeeva, O.A.Fedorova, Y.V.Fedorov, R.I. Reshetnikov, A.E. Schelkunova, M.A.Grin, A.F.Mironov, G.Jonusauskas Spectroscopical study of bacteriopurpurinimide-naphthalimide conjugates for fluorescent diagnostics and photodynamic therapy Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology, 2014, 133, 140-144 DOI:10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2014.03.008
  • P.A.Panchenko, O.A. Fedorova, Yu.V.Fedorov Fluorescent and colorimetric chemosensors for cations based on 1,8-naphthalimide derivatives: design principles and optical signalling mechanisms Russian Chemical Reviews, 2014, 83, 2, 155-182 DOI:10.1070/RC2014v083n02ABEH004380
  • Shepel’ N.E., Fedorova O.A., Gulakova E.N., Peregudov A.S., Novikov V.V., Fedorov Y.V. Photoresponsive dendron-like metallocomplexes of the crown-containing styryl derivatives of 2,2’-bipyridine Dalton Transactions, 2013, 43, 769–778 DOI: 10.1039/C3DT51707A
  • Smolentsev A.B., Glebov E.M., Korolev V.V., Paramonov S.V., Fedorova O.A. Fluorescent properties of an azacrown-containing styryl derivative of naphthopyran: ion-binding response and photochemical switching off Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2013, 12, 10, 1803–1810 DOI: 10.1039/c3pp50051a
  • Chernikova E.Y., Berdnikova D.V., Fedorov Y.V., Fedorova O.A. Effective Stabilization of cis-Isomer of Styryl Dye inside the Cucurbit[7]uril Cavity Macroheterocycles, 2013, 6, 3, 234–239 DOI: 10.6060/mhc130950f
  • Tkachenko S.V., Chernikova E.Y., Gulakova E.N., Godovikov I.A., Fedorov Y.V., Fedorova O.A. Photoisomerization of crown-containing styrylbenzothiazole and styrylquinoline in complexes with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2013, 49, 2, 181–188 DOI: 10.1134/S2070205113020068
  • Panchenko P.A., Fedorov Y.V., Fedorova O.A., Jonusauskas G. Comparative analysis of the PET and ICT sensor properties of 1,8-naphthalimides containing aza-15-crown-5 ether moiety Dyes and Pigments, 2013, 98, 3, 347–357 DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2013.03.008
  • Delbaere S., Tulyakova E.V., Marmois E., Jonusauskas G., Gulakova E.N., Fedorov Y.V., Fedorova O.A. Metal-ion induced FRET in macrocyclic dynamic tweezers Tetrahedron, 2013, 69, 38, 8178–8185 DOI: 10.1016/j.tet.2013.07.042
  • Berdnikova D.V., Fedorov Y.V., Fedorova O.A. Azadithiacrown ether based ditopic receptors capable of simultaneous multi-ionic recognition of Ag+ and Hg2+ Dyes and Pigments, 2013, 96, 1, 287–295 DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2012.08.017
  • Daria Berdnikova, Olga Fedorova, Elena Gulakova and Heiko Ihmels Photoinduced in situ generation of a DNA-binding benzothiazoloquinolinium derivative Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 4603-4605 DOI: 10.1039/c2cc30958k
  • Sergey Paramonov, Yury Fedorov, Vladimir Lokshin, Elena Tulyakova, Gaston Vermeersch, Stephanie Delbaere and Olga Fedorova Mono- and ditopic models of binding of a photochrome chromene annelated with an 18-crown-6 ether with protonated amino acids Org.Biomol. Chem., 2012, 10, 671-682 DOI: 10.1039/c1ob06501g
  • Sophiya Selector, Olga Fedorova, Elena Lukovskaya, Alexander Anisimov, Yuri Fedorov, Nina Tarasova, Oleg Raitman, Frederic Fages, and Vladimir Arslanov Supramolecular Control of Photochemical and Electrochemical Properties of Two Oligothiophene Derivatives at the Air/Water Interface J. Phys. Chem. В, 2012, 116, 1482-1490 DOI: 10.1021/jp2074122
  • E. Chernikova, D. Berdnikova, Yu. Fedorov, O. Fedorova, A. Peregudov and L. Isaacs Self-assembly of a ternary architecture driven by cooperative Hg2+ ion binding between cucurbit[7]uril and crown ether macrocyclic hosts Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, Issue 58, 7256-7258 DOI: 10.1039/c2cc33243d
  • Mikhail V. Makarov, Evgeniya S. Leonova, Ekaterina Yu. Rybalkina,Victor N. Khrustalev, Nikolay E. Shepel, Gerd-Volker Röschenthaler, Tatiana V. Timofeeva, and Irina L. Odinets Methylenebisphosphonates with Dienone Pharmacophore: Synthesis, Structure, Antitumor and Fluorescent Properties Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci., 2012, 345, Issue 5, 349-359 DOI: 10.1002/ardp.201100352
  • O. Fedorova, Y. Fedorov, M. Oshchepkov, M. Dobrovolskaya Analysis of benzodiaza-15-crown-5 ether derivative binding properties by potentiometric and optical methods J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2012, 25, Issue 10, 835–839 DOI: 10.1002/poc.2926
  • Paramonov, S. V.; Lokshin, V.; Fedorova, O. A. Spiropyran, Chromene or Spirooxazine Ligands: Insights into Mutual Relations between Complexing and Photochromic Properties J. Photochem. Photobiol. C: Photochem. Rev., 2011, 12, Issue 3, 209-236 DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochemrev.2011.09.001
  • Paramonov, S. V.; Lokshin, V.; Ihmels, H.; Fedorova, O. A. Influence of DNA-binding on the Photochromic Equilibrium of a Chromene Derivative Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2011, 10, 1279-1282 DOI: 10.1039/c1pp05094j
  • Tulyakova, E. V.; Fedorova, O. A.; Micheau, J.-C.; Paramonov, S. V.; Lokshin, V.; Vermeersch, G.; Delbaere, S. Photochromism and Metal Complexation of a Macrocyclic Styryl Naphthopyran ChemPhysChem, 2011, 12, 1294-1301 DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201100052
  • D.V. Aleksanyan, V.A. Kozlov, Y.V. Nelyubina, K.A. Lyssenko, L.N. Puntus, E.I. Gutsul, N.E. Shepel, A.A. Vasil'ev, P.V. Petrovskii and I.L. Odinets Synthesis, catalytic activity, and photophysical properties of 5,6-membered Pd and Pt SCS′-pincer complexes based on thiophosphorylated 3-amino(hydroxy)benzoic acid thioanilides Dalton Transactions, 2011, 40, 1535-1546 DOI: 10.1039/C0DT01154A
  • P.A. Panchenko, Yu.V. Fedorov, O.A. Fedorova, B.A. Izmailov, V.A. Vasnev, V.V. Istratov, E.A. Makeeva, M. N. Rumyantseva, A. M. Gaskov Hybrid sensor materials based on tin(IV) oxide and crown-containing 4-anminonaphthalimides Mendeleev Communications, 2011, 21, 12-14
  • O.A. Fedorova, Yu.V. Fedorov, I.E. Labazava, E.N. Gulakova, J. Saltiel Complexes of amino acids with a crown-ether derivative of 4-styrylpyridine. Monotopic or ditopic? Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2011, 10, 1954-1962 DOI: 10.1039/C1PP05007A.
  • E. Tulyakova, S. Delbaere, Y. Fedorov, G. Jonusauskas, and O. Fedorova Multimodal Metal Cation Sensing with Bis(macrocyclic) Dye Europea J. Chemistry, 2011, 17, 10752-10762 DOI: 10.1002/chem.201100998.
  • SergeyParamonov, Stéphanie Delbaere, Olga Fedorova, Yuri Fedorov, Vladimir Lokshin, André Samat, Gaston Vermeersch Structural and photochemical aspect of metal-ion-binding to a photochromic chromene annulated by crown-ether moiety J. Photochem. Photobiol., A, 2010, 209, 111-120
  • Olga Fedorova, Elena Lukovskaya, Artem Mizerev, Yury Fedorov, Alla Bobylyova, Anton Maksimov, Anna Moiseeva, Aleksander Anisimov and Gediminas Jonusauskas Synthesis and multiparameter sensor properties of the crown-containing thiophene derivatives J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2010, 23, 246–254
  • Pavel A. Panchenko, Yuriy V. Fedorov, Valeriy P. Perevalov, Gediminas Jonusauskas, Olga A. Fedorova Cation-dependent fluorescent properties of naphthalimide derivatives with N-benzocrown ether fragment J. Phys. Chem. A, 2010, 114, 4118–4122
  • E. V. Tulyakova, G. Vermeersch, E. N. Gulakova, O. A. Fedorova, Yu. V. Fedorov, J-C. Micheau and S. Delbaere Metal ion drive thermodynamics and photochemistry of the bis(styryl) macrocyclic tweezer Chemistry - A European Journal, 2010, Volume 16, Issue 19, 5661-5671
  • N.E. Shepel, O.A. Fedorova, E.N. Gulakova, G. Jonusauskas, Yu.V. Fedorov Complex formation and photochemical properties of the crown-containing mono- and bis(styryl)bipyridine derivatives with transition metal cations Macroheterocycles, 2010, 3, No 4, 201-209
  • Evgeni M. Glebov, Artjom B. Smolentsev, Valeri V. Korolev, Victor F. Plyusnin, Anna V. Chebunkova, Sergei V. Paramonov, Olga A. Fedorova, Vladimir Lokshin, Andre Samat Synthesis and photochromic properties of crown-containing styryl derivatives of naphthopyrans J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2009, 22, 537-545
  • V. Lokshin, N. A. Larina, O. A. Fedorova, A. Metelitsa and V. Khodorkovsky Photochromism of 2-benzyl-3-benzoyl-4(1H)-quinolone derivatives J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 2009, 201, 8-14
  • Larina N.A., Lokshin V., Khodorkovsky V., Fedorova O.A.Unusual substituent migration in 4-allyloxy-3-(2-benzylbenzoyl)- 2-methylquinolines Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2009, 45, No 8, 1011-1013 DOI: 10.1007/s10593-009-0375-7.
  • Оlga A. Fedorova, Ekaterina Yu. Chernikova, Yuri V. Fedorov, Еlena N. Gulakova, Aleksander S. Peregudov, Konstantin A. Lysenko, Gediminas Jonusauskas, Lyle Isaacs Cucurbit[7]uril Complexes of Crown-Ether Derived Styryl and (Bis)styryl Dyes J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113, 10149-10158
  • Fedorova Olga A., Gulakova Elena N., Fedorov Yuri V., Lobazova Irina E., Alfimov Michael V., Jonusauskas G. A photochemical electrocyclization of the benzothiazolylphenylethenes involving a C-N bond formation J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 2008, 196, 239-245
  • E. V. Tulyakova, O. A. Fedorova, Yu. V. Fedorov, A.V. Anisimov [2+2]-Photocycloaddition reaction of self-assembled crown-containing 2-styrylpyridinium perchlorate in a solid state J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 2008, 200, 90-95
  • E. V. Tulyakova, O.A.Fedorova, Yu.V. Fedorov, G.Jonusauskas, A.V.Anisimov Spectroscopic study of mono- and bis(styryl)dyes of the pyridinium series containing azathiacrown ether residue J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2008, 21, 372-380
  • O. Fedorova, Yu. Fedorov, E. Gulakova, N. Schepel, M. Alfimov, U. Goli , J. Saltiel Supramolecular photochemical synthesis of an unsymmetrical cyclobutane Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2007, 6, 1097–1105
  • O. A. Fedorova, F. Maurel, A. V. Chebun'kova, Yu. P. Strokach, T. M. Valova, L. G. Kuzmina, J. A. K. Howard, M. Wenzel, K. Gloe, V. Lokshin, A. Samat Investigation of cation complexation behaviour of azacrown ether substituted benzochromene J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2007, 20, No7, 469-483
  • Valerii V. Korolev, Dmitry Yu. Vorobyev, Evgeni M. Glebov, Vjacheslav P. Grivin, Victor F. Plyusnin, Alexander V. Koshkin, Olga A. Fedorova, Sergei P. Gromov, Mikhail V. Alfimov, Yurii V. Shklyaev, Tatyana S. Vshivkova, Yuliya S. Rozhkova, Alexander G. Tolstikov, Vladimir Lokshin, Andre Samat Synthesis and cation-dependent photochromism of spironaphthoxazines obtained from crown-containing dihydroisoquinolines Mendeleev Communications, 2006, 16, Issues 6 , 302-304 DOI: 10.1070/MC2006v016n06ABEH002372.
  • E. Lukovskaya, A. Bobylyova, O. Fedorova, Yu. Fedorov, S. Kardashev, A. Maksimov, A. Anisimov, F. Maurel, E. Marmois, G. Jonusauskas, Y. Didane, H. Brisset, F. Fages Investigation of crown-containing styrylthiophene derivatives which are optically and electrochemically sensitive to the presence of metal cations Synthetic Metals, 2007, 157, Issues 22–23, 885-893